Al-Mawrid U.S.

Javed Ahmed Ghamidi’s Foundation for Islamic Research and Education That Emphasizes on Learning Islam Purely Through Quran and Sunnah as Instituted by Prophet Muhammad.

Javed Ahmed Ghamidi

Quran tells us that the entire humankind are sons and daughters of prophet Adam. Through this bond we are all brothers and sisters. The bond that Quran establishes amongst Muslims is also that of brotherhood – not that of nationhood.

Quran tells us that God sent down only one religion. Prophet Abraham named it Islam. Quran is the last divine revelation of Islam, while prophet Muhammad it’s last messenger.

As the last messenger of God, prophet Muhammad is the only source of religion through the end of time. Religion is only what he sanctioned verbally, through his practice, or through his tacit approvals.

About Us

Al-Mawrid is a foundation for Islamic research and education established by Javed Ahmed Ghamidi that emphasizes on learning Islam purely through its established sources, Quran and Sunnah, without external factors that have influenced the Muslim thought over the last several centuries.

Javed Ahmed Ghamidi formed Al-Mawrid back in 1983 in Lahore, Pakistan in order to propagate Islam as instituted by prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Al-Mawrid U.S. was established in 2014 in order to expand the reach of Ghamidi’s effort. In 2019, Al-Mawrid U.S. took on the initiative of establishing the Ghamidi Center of Islamic Learning in Dallas, Texas as a formal educational institute.

Since inception, Al-Mawrid’s aim has been to conduct research, educate people, and disseminate Islam based purely on Quran and sunnah, freeing it from external influences that have gradually clouded the religious thought of Muslims over the last 14 centuries.

Our Mission

Our mission is to teach people how to explore, understand, discuss, and practice Islam based on reason, rationality, and objective thinking.

Our Values



Teach Islam as a form of knowledge rather than as a creed.


Encourage students to explore faith in a welcoming, open, and an inquisitive manner.


Equip students with tools necessary to understand Islam based on evidence from Quran and sunnah.


Be open to all truth seekers without gender, age, religion, or any other discriminating factors.

“Oh you who believe, if you help Allah, He will surely help you…”

-Quran 47:7

In a time when atheism and fundamentalism are spreading so rapidly and influencing young minds only because God’s message has not be understood and communicated properly, the urgency has never been greater to respond with the correct understanding of God’s message based on reason, rationality, and objective thinking.

Our Projects

Al-Mawrid U.S. has undertaken several ambitious projects, and has made significant strides in research, education, and dissemination of Islam based purely on Quran and sunnah. We are continuously taking on new challenges in effectively spreading the message of God to the entire humankind through reason, rationality, and objective thinking. Following are some of our cornerstone projects:

Ghamidi Center of Islamic Learning

Our vision is to educate people of all ages in religion the way it was presented by prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). In order to materialize this vision, in 2019 Al-Mawrid U.S. took on the initiative of establishing the Ghamidi Center of Islamic Learning in Dallas, Texas as a formal educational institute. In addition to other educational activities, Javed Ahmed Ghamidi himself holds Meezan (Ghamidi’s comprehensive treatise on the entire content of Islam), as well as Quran and hadith classes here.


We want valuable knowledge to be conveniently available to all truth seekers at affordable prices. Our bookstore offers a wealth of knowledge about Islam and related topics by esteemed authors such as Javed Ahmed Ghamidi, Maulana Amin Ahsan Islahi, Dr. Shehzad Saleem, Ammar Khan Nasir, Abu Yahya, and many more.

Ask Ghamidi

Ask Ghamidi is a social learning platform where thousands of people engage in Q&A based discussions that span a variety of topics including religion, philosophy, and science. Many questions are also directly answered by Javed Ahmed Ghamidi himself and other scholars; audio/video responses to these questions are shared with the platform members in a timely manner. All discussions on Ask Ghamidi are searchable as well as neatly tagged and categorized. In addition, the platform regularly hosts Ask Ghamidi Live, a member-only live web conference allowing people to directly pose their questions to Javed Ahmed Ghamidi.

The Ask Ghamidi platform is freely available on the web as well as through iOS and Android apps.

Research Projects

At the very heart of all our effort lies countless hours of hard research. Without proper research we can neither convincingly understand the message of God ourselves, nor can we effectively communicate it to others or respond to threats like atheism and fundamentalism.

Our Team

Board of Trustees

Mukaram Aziz


Mukaram Aziz is an IT executive with experience in the Telecom and Finance sectors. He was introduced to Javed Ahmed Ghamidi in 2013 through YouTube lectures. Since 2017, he has been serving as a board member, previously holding the role of Treasurer.

Tahir Mustafa

Vice Chair

Tahir Mustafa is a business executive with experience across multiple sectors. He is a founding member of Al-Mawrid US and has been a board member since its inception in 2014. He has known Javed Ahmed Ghamidi since the 1980s.

Ali Farooq


Ali is a Software Sales professional. He has been following Javed Ahmad Ghamidi Since 2007. After joining the Al-Mawrid U.S. Board of Trustees in 2017, he played pivotal role in the establishment of the Ghamidi Center of Islamic Learning.

Farhan Saiyed

Executive Director

Farhan has served the organization in various capacities since 2015, including the Secretary and the President of the Board. He was the driving force behind Ghamidi’s move to the United States and the conception and establishment of the Ghamidi Center. 

Other Members of the Board

  • M. Basit Qari
  • Ahsan Ranjha
  • Javed Roshan

About Ghamidi

Javed Ahmed Ghamidi completed his Bachelor’s degree with Honors in English Literature and minor in Philosophy from the prestigious Government College, Lahore (Pakistan) in 1972.  Ghamidi was introduced to Maulana Maududi in his school days, and later joined Maududi’s organization Jamaat-e-Islami. Although his membership with the Jamaat was short lived, a revered relationship with Maududi continued throughout his life.

In 1973, during his college days, Ghamidi was introduced to Maulana Amin Ahsan Islahi. Islahi, a student of Maulana Hamid Uddin Farahi, was writing his tafsir (exegesis) Tadabbur-e-Quran at the time, which greatly impressed Ghamidi. This was the beginning of Ghamidi’s days of private tutelage under Islahi.

I would visit [Islahi] daily, and every time come back with a new vision. It was in these meetings with him that it dawned on me that religion is not just something to be simply accepted, but that it could in fact be understood and explained. It became clear to me that the Quran is the decisive factor – a balance on which to weigh any understanding of religion and sharia – and that it is in fact God’s conclusive argument for the entire world. In the guiding light of the Quran, we can understand hadith, fiqh, philosophy, tasawwuf (mysticism), history, and biographies of the prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). For me, it was the discovery of a new way of approaching the Quran.

Javed Ahmed Ghamidi is an author of several books, including Meezan, Al-Bayan, Burhan, Maqamat, and Al-Islam. Currently he is working on a very ambitious hadith research project in which he is investigating and analyzing a large number of hadith narrations. Additionally, he is also teaching Meezan and Al-Bayan classes at the Ghamidi Center of Islamic Learning.